About Stovies

Stovies loves good food at home and out and about. Share our love of food through our recipes, restaurant reviews and adventures in eating.

Our bookshelves are heaving with cookbooks and chef books for every cuisine and taking inspiration from these over the years have developed a few gems of our own. We’d like to share them with you hope that you like them too.

Like the rest of the world we like to have a night off from time to time so we’ll also share with you our tales from  our favourite restaurants, new hot spots and the takeaway. Yes, I said it, the takeaway. Filthy but good!

Why Stovies? Well, they top the list of comfort food for both of us but they’re also completely individual. Ask ten people for a recipe for stovies and they definitely won’t be the same. Similar but not the same.

For us stovies conjure up wild winter evenings to be fended off with a steaming bowl of meaty potato-y goodness that tastes like home.

Needless to say neither of us have the same recipe for stovies and we both feel our own is best – we promise to have a cook off really soon so that you can decide which deserves to rule the recipe book!