It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Christmas isn’t Christmas without a mince pie or two. We know that it’s only the beginning of December but this mincemeat does benefit from a couple of weeks in the jar to develop the flavour. If you do forget though don’t fret, this recipe tastes great anyway and can be used instantly.

You will need:

1 Large cooking apple, peeled & cored
1tbsp Water
350g Mixed fruit
50g Mixed candied peel
1 tbsp Marmalade
500g Dark muscovado sugar
1 Lemon, juiced and zested
200g Vegetable suet
30 ml Whisky
1/2 tsp Ground allspice

Stew the apple in the water until soft. Mix the rest of the ingredients together and pour it into a sterilised jar until you need it.

To make catherine wheel mince pies like the one in our pick simply spread some mincemeat over a sheet of ready made puff pastry, roll up into a sausage then cut into 2cm thick rounds. Bake according to the pastry instructions.

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